Locomotive Dcc New

Fleischmann N 739347 Electric Locomotive 193 318-3, DB Ag, DCC, Sound New

Fleischmann N 739347 Electric Locomotive 193 318-3, DB Ag, DCC, Sound New

Fleischmann N 739347 Electric Locomotive 193 318-3, DB Ag, DCC, Sound New

In July 2020, another class 193 Vectron multi-system locomotive was self-advertised. Huge range with over 30 manufacturers, including: Märklin, Trix, Roco, fleischmann, Piko, Brawa, Liliput, NME, KM-1, Kiss, LGB, Hobbytrain, Jägerndorfer, ESU, Faller, Noch, Viessmann, Vollmer, Kibri, Auhagen, Busch, Massoth, Uhlenbrock, Littfinski... In our shop you will always find a small selection of used items.

Fleischmann N 739347 Electric Locomotive 193 318-3, DB Ag, DCC, Sound New