Rapido 914501 OO Gauge HR Jones Goods 4-6-0 103 Higland Railway Yellow 1960s Con

Rapido 914501 OO Gauge HR Jones Goods 4-6-0 103 Higland Railway Yellow 1960s Condition DCC Sound Fitted. Although they're often called'Jones Goods' after Highland Chief Engineer David Jones, it was his Chief Draughtsman, David Anderson Hendrie, who proposed that the railway could benefit from the 4-6-0 wheel arrangement that was becoming common in other countries.
The result was the first 4-6-0 design to run in Britain. Sharp Stewart of Glasgow delivered all 15 during 1894.
The last was withdrawn in 1940 but the LMS saved pioneer No. 103, which, having worked rail tours in the 1960s, is now on display in Glasgow's Riverside Museum. Or Telephone - 01242 523117.