Title: Rivarossi ÖBB, electric locomotive class 1046, vermillion livery, period IV, DCC Sound. A total of 25 units of this series left the factories of the various manufacturers in 1959. Since the luggage was very rarely used, in 1976 it was reclassified as a 1046 series locomotive. Initially dressed in green with silver trim, this locomotive was used for the light passenger train service.
Driving the express trains "Venice" (South Vienna - Tarvisio) and "Mozart" (West Vienna - Munich) recorded exceptional results. Only the locomotive with running number 1046 009 received a livery based on the so-called Valousek design. Since 1987, 13 locomotives have undergone a complete overhaul. These machines were therefore easily distinguished from the old ones by the new locomotive body with a front end doubly folded.